Walpodencekalender 2023
Daily changing performance in the shop window of the Walpodenakademie, Neubrunnenstraße 8 from December 02-23, 2023 – always 6-7 pm
With Thomas Becker, Juan David Bermúdez, Gesine Biedert, Brandstifter, Dietmar Gaumann, Andreas Gudert, Matthias Harnisch, Dirk Huelstrunk, Danbi Jeung, Michael Klotzki, Mario Krichbaum, Sandra Kruse, Wingel Mendoza, Juan David Pérez, Barbara Rößler, Tanja Roolfs, Kristina Schäfer, Nic Schmitt, Wolfgang Schliemann, Volker Schneider, Peter Schulz, Chris Sigdell, Ute Marie Paul, Lars Wehr, Nicolaus Werner, Achim Zepezauer and others. a.
For five years now, the Mainzer Kunstverein Walpodenstraße 21 e.V. has presented the city of Mainz with a special kind of public Advent calendar. In 2023, we will once again be serving up twenty-two interdisciplinary performances to visitors and random passers-by. The spectrum of local, regional and nationally renowned performers ranges from lovingly contemplative to thoughtfully visionary, queer to disturbingly shrill. The performances can all be seen from Neubrunnenstraße and tempt you to take an entertaining break from the annoying pre-Christmas stress and dull Advent dullness over mulled wine.
An event organized by the Mainzer Kunstverein Walpodenstraße 21 e.V. to celebrate 15 years of the Walpodenakademie Mainz with the kind support of the City of Mainz